KYBELLA® Services

Erase Under-Chin Fat with KYBELLA®

Do you want to erase the appearance of under-chin fullness? Are you not sure where to start? Koehn Dentistry & Aesthetics in Kansas City, MO, offers KYBELLA® treatment at our dental practice to erase under-chin fat. The active ingredient in this breakthrough treatment, synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring molecule within the body, aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Upon injection into the area under the chin, KYBELLA® will begin to destroy the fat cells that have accumulated and hinders their ability to store and accumulate fat in the future. While KYBELLA® often requires multiple treatments to reach the desired aesthetic goal, patients should not have to continue treatment once that goal is reached. 

Since the amount of treatment is tailored to the desired results of our patients, Dr. Koehn will conduct an in-office consultation and conduct an examination to determine if KYBELLA® may be right for you. We invite you to call 816-505-2222 to schedule your consultation today!

What Can I Expect with KYBELLA®?

KYBELLA® is a non-surgical, injectable treatment administered directly into the tissue under your chin. At your appointment, Dr. Koehn will perform a series of small injections into the area, with the entire process taking between 15-20 minutes. It is important to note that KYBELLA® does require multiple treatments in order to achieve the desired results, with the amount of treatments varying based on the amount of fat and the desired profile.

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